Jon Herndon

Our foundation was founded to honor Jon Herndon; a husband, father, brother, friend, and Pops. Jon was originally diagnosed with colon cancer in 2018. After a year of battling he was shown to be in remission. However four years later his cancer returned. After a very courageous battle he was unable to overcome how quickly his cancer had spread and Jon’s life was tragically cut short due to cancer. During his ongoing battle, his hard-working character and strong love for his family’s wellness wouldn’t allow him to quit providing even as he was going through chemotherapy treatments and working his labor-intensive job. No matter how tired he was or how much pain he was in, Jon’s strong work ethic, encouraging bravery, constant strength, and continual love never faltered. During Jon’s fight he was always concerned, not with his health or his life, but the wellbeing of his family. Jon dedicated his life to loving and supporting his family and providing for them the best life possible. His selfless sacrifices highlight the gut-wrenching struggle that every cancer fighter and their families go through. It is from this dedication to family and this recognition of his strength to continue battling that this foundation started. We want to help others who are experiencing these same stressors during the hardest moments of their lives. Those who are bravely battling shouldn’t have to worry about the things Jon did.